Inclement Weather Policy
This is a very important reminder to all parents, that students enter the building at 8:28am. There are activities in case a student needs to arrive at school prior to the entry time. These activities are club meetings, intramurals, homework club, and breakfast. Students may enter the building for these activities through the 8th grade doors at 8am (breakfast at 8:10), because there is a specific staff member taking responsibility for those students.
During inclement weather (rain--including thunder and lightning, frigid temperatures--15 degrees or less) we will open the doors to all students at 8:15am. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and has the correct gear (umbrella, boots, gloves, rain coat, etc…) for the weather. This is important whether they are taking the bus or being dropped off at Kennedy Middle School.
Drop-Off/Pick up:
The most important part of our job is to make sure your children are safe. In order to do that we have put some procedures in place for dropping off and picking up your children. Here are a few things to remember:
1. If you are dropping off a student, please make sure they do not cross in front of any cars. If you have them exit from the passenger side of your vehicle, it will be much safer.
2. As you pull through the west parking lot, be careful pulling around other cars that are stopped. Some parents let their kids out on the driver side (which I hope we can avoid, if possible) and could be in danger of being hit.
3. If you do decide to drop your child off on Masonic, please be aware that the St. Clair Shores Police Department has the option of ticketing cars for impeding traffic.
4. We have a parking lot attendant that helps students safely exit the vehicles and get on the sidewalk by the school. Please follow her directions, and the traffic flow will be much smoother. The Assistant Principal and I try to be outside at drop-off and pick-up on a daily basis but that may not happen due to meetings and appointments that keep us in the building.
Please remember the parking lot in front of the school is for staff and busses only. Also, please remind your student not to walk through this parking lot and be sure to use the sidewalks.
Medical Administration
The purpose of the policy is to support the health needs of children during school hours and to ensure the safety of all children. Key points to remember are:
- Before any prescription medication can be administered in school, written authorization from the child’s physician and parent must be obtained and be on file in the school office. Forms for prescription and non-prescription medication are available in the Main Office.
- All medication should be brought to school by the child’s parent/guardian.
- All medication should be in the original bottle or container or it cannot be administered.
- Containers should be labeled with the child’s name, medication, dose, time and route. Information on the use and adverse effects of any medication given in school should be provided to the school by the parent, pharmacist, or physician.
- Parents must notify school personnel if their child has conditions such as allergies, diabetes, or asthma, so that proper precautions/training may be put in place.
Making sure that our children are safe and healthy is our primary concern. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the school's main office.