NWEA Tests and Results
During the months of September and May, students in grades 6-8 take the Northwest Evaluation Association's (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress™ (MAP) assessment. We use these assessments, along with a host of other formative and summative assessments, to determine instructional levels and to measure academic growth in core areas throughout the school year, and from year to year.Students in grades sixth through eight are tested on math, reading and language usage. The MAP tests also serve as our district common assessments in these areas.
Please review the "NWEA Parent Toolkit" (see link below) to learn more about interpreting your child's results. The MAP tests are unique in that they are administered online and are computer adaptive, which means they adapt to your child's level of learning. The purpose of this assessment is to provide data on students' growth over time so that teachers can use the data to inform instruction and students can use the information to see their individual progress.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher or building administrator.
For additional information please refer to the NWEA Parent Toolkit and MAP Measure of Academic Progress.
Student Progress Report Quick Reference
Student Goal Setting Worksheet Reference
In compliance with the No Child Left Behind legislation, children are assessed annually in reading and mathematics. Two years ago, the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) replaced the 44-year old Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP). In addition to the test changing, we also have new test windows and online computer testing versus paper/pencil.
M-STEP's spring test administration window for grades 6-8 is included below. In addition to reading and mathematics, students in grades 7 will take a science assessment and students in grades 8 will take a social studies assessment. All students in Michigan will test within the following 3-week window and there are no exceptions to the Michigan Department of Education schedule; therefore, attendance is important on the dates listed below. Please refrain from scheduling appointments for your child during their designated testing sessions. If your child misses an assessment on their assigned day, he/she will be taken from class to complete testing.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact your child's teacher, guidance counselor or principal.